Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Four to go!

I learnt to knit as a child - if you can call holey scarves knitting....
I branched out as an adult - to knitting more scarves - these ones without holes...
And then when the children came along I got as far as knitting booties - I was too afraid to knit anything more - the patterns looked too complicated for me.

Nearly 2 years ago a magazine subscription came out called "The Art of Knitting."

Every week you get a ball of yarn and pattern for knitting a15cmx15cm square - and at the end of 90 weeks you end up with a throw rug.

As well as the square pattern you get different patterns for knitting things around the home, clothing, bits and pieces, plus step by step instructions for creating certain patterns when you knit, how to fix any problems you may have - it's just such a complete reference and resource!

I decided that the throw rug would look gorgeous on our daughters bed and discussed with her that I would complete it for her as a birthday present (this August). She was excited by that.

I now only have 4 squares left to knit!!! YAY! That will be one project finally finished!

A few photos of the work in progress.

With 54 of the squares all sewn together.

The remaining squares (minus the last 4) partially sewn together.


  1. I too am knitting squares for a blanket! I'm not sure how many I have done yet, I am have all these different colours and I am just knitting 4 of each (that's about how many I can get from a ball!) and I plan to sew them all together and then put a backing on it like a quilt, so it will be sort of a knitted patch work blanket. Is it easy to sew the squares together? That's the part I plan on getting the mother-in-law to help with!

  2. Your's looks heaps better than mine though..all these lovely complementing colours and patterns! I have no idea how to do patterns!

  3. I found joining the squares together not too difficult - but because they're not EXACTLY 15cm squares - some need to be stretched out because of the way the pattern wrinkles them.

    Goodluck with yours! Do you have pictures of yours?

  4. This blanket is so pretty... I love it! Its such a great feeling to finish a project! I'm knitting a scarf at the moment. Although the way I'm going, winter will be over before its completed! :)
