Thursday, May 28, 2009

When I Grow Up...

There is a new aussie blog that give out challenges....

TBH I have no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up... well not as a small child anyway...
More than likely it was to be a teacher - I remember trying to teach my brothers things.... That didn't work out very well.

I do remember in High School starting to have more definate ideas. I wanted to be a lawyer, then I wanted to be a social worker.

When I hit College I was still undecided between the two, but somewhere along the way lawyer dropped off the radar and teacher came back into play - and social worker was still there.

Then I enrolled for Uni, the toss up was between starting and Arts Degree - and then moving to Social Work in my 2nd year, or doing Education.

I got into Education..... The rest is history - cause now I'm a Mum, and work in an admin job (with an Education degree behind me)


  1. Hi Crystal :) Welcome to our blog ring!
    Do you think you will try teaching at any stage?

  2. The closest I get to teaching these days is doing parent help in my kids classrooms. And that's enough for me! :-)
