Thursday, October 15, 2009

Update - finally!!

I'm back - again!

Today to start a proper update - like I said I would do a month ago....

As it's been two months since I posted anything properly I thought I'd do one post a day for the next few days about what we've been up do - cause a few things have happened in the last two months - and to do them justice I can't cram them all into one post.

So we'll start with Olivia's 7th Birthday!

My baby turned 7!!!! It seems like yesterday I was waiting for her due date and holding my little girl!

We had a birthday party for friends at "The Bike Centre" - it's an old empty reservoir that they have painted inside and have put traffic light up and walk signs so the kids can take their bikes and ride around like mad things!

It's as cheap as to hire from the local council, and there is a BBQ and a sheltered area too if it does rain- not that the rain stops the kids.

At the bike centre

Olivia and friends with the cake

Olivia opening presents

Olivia playing with her 'boyfriend' Ryan
(Ryan thinks Olivia's his girlfriend anyway)

And then the next day we had a party at home for family. It was either 30 odd people at the bike centre for 2 hours and Olivia not getting to spend time with everyone, or 30 odd people in our house - which would be kinda squishy! Or the two birthdays - which works easier for my sanity!

The cake! They are meringue "grubs" on the top.

Opening presents.

More opening presents.

Back later on with more!

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