Friday, August 7, 2009

Quick Dante Update

I've been flat out this week with parent-help twice, work and trying to find our house - I'm sure it's here under the mess somewhere!

So anyway here are a few photo's of Dante from last weekend - it was Mum's birthday, so we went out for lunch.

Apologies for the crappy quality of the second photo - little ones don't react well with the flash - and I didn't realise how dark it really was inside....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Couch!!!

After saying last time that our new couch would arrive in 2-3 weeks.... Guess what?

It arrived the next day!!!


Yes there is a but.... When we went to pick it up on Saturday morning - in the freezing winds. The guys from the furniture store started loading it on the trailer for us....

I looked at it, and it looked wrong. It was the right colour. But it was the wrong style of couch!

I ordered a modular couch - it comes in three pieces and curves around the corner... the picture of our couch is below

The one on our trailer was a Chaise - an 'L' shaped couch, which an ottoman at one end.... And that's NOT what I wanted....

The guys at the furniture store then had to find out where MY couch was! The couch they had given me had my name on it.... Someone had boo-boo'd somewhere!

They found a couch that matched my description, (but with someone elses name on it) in the warehouse. So I ended up with that one (after they made a bazillion phone-calls to find out where the mix up had happened).

So we brought home the couch - stuffed it in the kids playroom until we had time to deal with the unexpected (but very pleasant) arrival.

The wall we were patching is still not finished. But the couch is together and in place now.

Complete with a 'Feet Seat' - which was supposed to be part of hubby's birthday present, but he got that part early. But someone else has claimed it!